Poker Money Tracker
Track your poker results today!
poker money tracker on app store

Main screen - Stats overview and filter picker. View last few sessions while having sessions in a day, grouped!

Icons appear for "High Hands", "Notable", "Marked", and other attributes of a session.


Filters page - Create an unlimited number of powerful filters! Filter on locations, game types (NL, PLO, Mixed), and Stakes.

The popup here shows a quick way to use restricted date ranges as part of the filter.


Charts - Pie Chart - This chart style creates an easy way to visualize your data.

You have a choice between total amounts, and your hourly rate.                                                                 


Charts - Line Chart - The popular line chart, is perfect for keeping track of your running total for this filter's time period.



Charts - Tabular data Here we are looking at monthly data.              


Locations, Game Types, and Stakes - PMT makes it easy to organize your data.